
I have ceased to believe in the idea/concept of "forever". While I have my own personal reasons for this, my belief in the nonexistence of this idea is not personally prejudiced.

I have pondered on the use of the term "forever" seriously; the term means existing beyond human existence, but how is that even acutely possible? Every matter on this blob is transient, how can we attribute permanence to any situation/feeling in such a scenario?

In the past, I am ashamed to say, I have been using this term quite frequently in my everyday conversations without giving it a second thought. I always felt that by saying "forever", I was simply strengthening the power of the phrases being used.

"I love you for ever"
"I am going to stick by your side for ever"
"We are going to be together, for ever."

Can you imagine how hollow these words look? How long is "forever"? Can you precisely tell me the number of years that make up this "forever"?


Now that I come to think of it, I realise I had been using this term unthinkingly and shallowly.

There is no forever. It may or may not happen, and it solely and independently depends on you. A person might keep promising you a forever, but the forever might come in a week, and leave you shattered.

I find that promises mean nothing; it is all about your feelings, accompanied by your willingness or, unwillingness.

It is afterall, only about us. We may or may not want to stay, so why say forever.

Instead of "I love you forever", why do we not try and be more realistic by saying "I will love you for as long as it is possible for me to be in love with you; for as long as it is what makes us happy; for as long as I can do it". And this does not only apply to love, it is for everything that is of a temporary nature: which involes every single thing on this planet.

For once, can we shed our 'people - pleasing' manners and be real? That is all I ask for.


  1. Good job Sonia .. Forever is interrogatory now .. thanks to your thoughts spilled by this article


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